Monday, July 6, 2009

a good read and lots of hugs

In my opinion a warm hug and a good read are two of the best comforts of life. Without either on a regular basis my spirit dries up. That's why I am so glad for the opportunity to be the 'abuelita' (grandma) at Talita Cumi Children's home here in Santa Cruz. When school is in session I try to go two afternoons a week to help the first graders with their homework, assissting with about 6 precious children making their way through the Bolivian school system of lots of repetitive homework. A good story is usually in my bag along with some flash cards or other learning games. These last couple of weeks has been winter break and so I've been going out just to play games with the kids.
For some reason I usually end up spending more time at the boys' side of the home. We play dominoes, bingo, or a bowling game I made for them out of empty yogurt bottles and a tennis ball. They love playing and keeping score is helping them with their addition facts.
I get lots of hugs, of course, which really fuels my tank and I feel that being a grandmother to these children is probably just as much good for me as it is for them. Plus it gives me a great excuse to buy children's literature which has always been a great love of mine.
Anyone interested in reading more about Talita Cumi Children's home, you can find them on the internet and even see pictures of the children. ( Anyone interested in helping me with read-a-louds in Spanish that would also be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a great service opportunity and that you make a big difference mom. I am sure they will always remember la Gringa Roja.
