Friday, July 3, 2009

the 'great' 3-D experience

Just had to experience the new movie craze here. The 3-D pictures. To say I was disappointed is an understatatement. OF course, I can't complain with movie prices so much less her than in the US. The 3-D cost us about $6 a ticket compared to 4.50 a regular movie. And I have broken the popcorn habit and so that saves us even more.
We were handed some really nice glasses and as I sat remembering the 3-D experience we had years ago with our kids at Disney or MGM, can't remember which, with Miss Piggy and the Muppets and some really flimsy glasses I was hoping for a similar thrill. NO chance. Only a few scenes seemed to be truly 3-D and you could enjoy the movie without the glasses. No really great special effects although the comedy of the movie UP was good in most places. For me, the greatest entertainment was listening to the little girl sitting behind us comment with her mom during the movie. iI was constant chatter, a shrill, uninhibited voice truly enjoying and trying to understand all of the movie. It made me think of my own grandchildren and of times we have seen moviews together. "Why is he doing that?" 'Oh, did you see that!" "Watch out!" I smiled and hoped the mom realized what a treasure it is to spend fun times with an inquisitive child. So let's hope there's a good movie to take the grandkids to during this trip....or rent considering movie prices in the US.

1 comment:

  1. Novali loved Up and wants to see it again. It should be at the cheap theater here by the time you guys arrive. No 3D there though!
